Who we are

Our small craft bakery was founded in 1963 by three siblings who began home-baking the recipes they had always seen made by housewives…

Now we two, brother and sister, have been running the bakery for fifteen years, continuing the activity of our uncles and our mother in which we have been involved since we were children.

Always having lived in direct contact with recipes and raw materials has ensured us of a profound knowledge of the world of bread and oven-baked confectionery; this in turn has allowed us to pursue our choice to respect traditions, combined with our love for discovering new things.

For years we have been on the lookout for ingredients to rediscover in new recipes, such as the wholegrain and spelt lines, which combine cereals that had almost been forgotten with modern ingredients, respecting the most up-to-date rules of nutrition.

In our shop, the only premises of our small business, you can enjoy various types of fresh bread, including the famous Ferrara “ciùpeta”, all made without the aid of preserving technologies, such as retarding rooms; you can choose from various types of ring cakes and filled cakes, biscuits and goodies to make your breakfasts and snacks new and original every day; you can also choose our “wellbeing line”, totally natural, with non hydrogenated fats, free from any kind of additive or preservative. Tradition and quality are the guide lines of our work.